This package summarizes tools and functions to be used with the imager from the OSKAR backend. This backend does not offer functionality to calculate a cleaned image. You must use RASCIL or WSClean.
- class OskarDirtyImagerConfig(imaging_npixel: int, imaging_cellsize: float, combine_across_frequencies: bool = True, imaging_phase_centre: str | None = None)
Config / parameters of an OskarDirtyImager.
Adds parameters specific to OskarDirtyImager.
- imaging_npixel
see DirtyImagerConfig
- Type:
- imaging_cellsize
see DirtyImagerConfig
- Type:
- combine_across_frequencies
see DirtyImagerConfig
- Type:
- imaging_phase_centre
Phase centre (in SkyCoord string format). Defaults to None.
- Type:
- __init__(imaging_npixel: int, imaging_cellsize: float, combine_across_frequencies: bool = True, imaging_phase_centre: str | None = None) None
- class OskarDirtyImager(config: OskarDirtyImagerConfig)
Dirty imager based on the OSKAR library.
- config
Config containing parameters for OSKAR dirty imaging.
- Type:
- __init__(config: OskarDirtyImagerConfig) None
Initializes the instance with a config.
- Parameters:
config (OskarDirtyImagerConfig) – see config attribute
- create_dirty_image(visibility: Visibility, /, *, output_fits_path: Path | str | None = None) Image
Creates a dirty image from a visibility.
- Parameters:
visibility – Visibility object from which to create the dirty image. Contains the visibilities of an observation.
output_fits_path – Path to write the dirty image to. Example: /tmp/dirty.fits. If None, will be set to a temporary directory and a default file name. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
Dirty image
- Return type: