Source code for callisto

import urllib
import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
import time

import os
import ntpath
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import numpy as np
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d

from import fits
from astropy.nddata.ccddata import CCDData
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

from sunpy import __version__
from sunpy.time import parse_time
from import download_file

from radiospectra.spectrogram import REFERENCE, LinearTimeSpectrogram, _union
from radiospectra.util import ConditionalDispatch, minimal_pairs, run_cls

__all__ = ['CallistoSpectrogram']

SUNPY_LT_1 = LooseVersion(__version__) < LooseVersion('1.0')
TIME_STR = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
_DAY = datetime.timedelta(days=1)

DATA_SIZE = datetime.timedelta(seconds=15 * 60)

def parse_filename(href):
    name = href.split('.')[0]
        inst, date, time, no = name.rsplit('_')
        dstart = datetime.datetime.strptime(date + time, TIME_STR)
    except ValueError:
        # If the split fails, the file name does not match out
        # format,so we skip it and continue to the next
        # iteration of the loop.
        return None
    return inst, no, dstart

    # Everything starts with ""
    ("", parse_filename)

def query(start, end, instruments=None, url=DEFAULT_URL):
    Get URLs for callisto data from instruments between start and end.
    :param start: sunpy.time.parse_time compatible.
    :param end: sunpy.time.parse_time compatible.
    :param sequence: Sequence of instruments whose data is requested.
    :param str url: Base URL for the request.

    day = datetime.datetime(start.year, start.month,
    while day <= end:
        directory = url + day.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/')
        opn = urllib.request.urlopen(directory)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(opn, 'lxml')
            for link in soup.find_all("a"):
                href = link.get("href")
                for prefix, parser in PARSERS:
                    if href.startswith(prefix):

                result = parser(href)
                if result is None:
                inst, no, dstart = result

                if (instruments is not None and
                    inst not in instruments and
                        (inst, int(no)) not in instruments):

                dend = dstart + DATA_SIZE
                if dend > start and dstart < end:
                    yield directory + href
        day += _DAY

def download(urls, directory):
    Download files from urls into directory.

    :param list of str urls:  urls of the files to retrieve.
    :param str: directory to save them in. 

    return [download_file(url, directory) for url in urls]

def _parse_header_time(date, time):
    Returns `~datetime.datetime` object from date and time fields of header.
    if time is not None:
        date = date + 'T' + time

    if SUNPY_LT_1:
        time = parse_time(date)
        time = parse_time(date).datetime

    return time

[docs]class CallistoSpectrogram(LinearTimeSpectrogram): """ Class used for dynamic spectra coming from the Callisto network. Attributes ---------- :param header: ``, main header of the FITS file. :param axes_header: ``, header for the axes table. :param bool swapped: flag that specifies whether originally in the file the x-axis was frequency. """ # XXX: Determine those from the data. SIGMA_SUM = 75 SIGMA_DELTA_SUM = 20 _create = ConditionalDispatch.from_existing(LinearTimeSpectrogram._create) create = classmethod(_create.wrapper()) # Contrary to what pylint may think, this is not an old-style class. # pylint: disable=E1002,W0142,R0902 # This needs to list all attributes that need to be # copied to maintain the object and how to handle them. COPY_PROPERTIES = LinearTimeSpectrogram.COPY_PROPERTIES + [ ('header', REFERENCE), ('swapped', REFERENCE), ('axes_header', REFERENCE) ] # List of instruments retrieved in July 2012 from # INSTRUMENTS = { 'ALASKA', 'ALMATY', 'BIR', 'DARO', 'HB9SCT', 'HUMAIN', 'HURBANOVO', 'KASI', 'KENYA', 'KRIM', 'MALAYSIA', 'MRT1', 'MRT2', 'OOTY', 'OSRA', 'SWMC', 'TRIEST', 'UNAM' }
[docs] def save(self, filepath=None): """ Save modified spectrogram back to filepath. :param str filepath: path to save the spectrogram to. """ if filepath is None: filepath = self.filename main_header = self.get_header() data = CCDData(, header=main_header, unit='Sun') # XXX: Update axes header. data.header.append(card=('BZERO', 0, 'scaling offset')) data.header.append(card=('BSCALE', 1, 'scaling factor')) data.header['NAXIS1'] = ( data.header['NAXIS1'], 'length of data axis 1') data.header['NAXIS2'] = ( data.header['NAXIS2'], 'length of data axis 2') freq_col = fits.Column( name="FREQUENCY", format=f"{len(self.freq_axis)}D8.3", array=np.reshape(np.array(self.freq_axis), (1, len(self.freq_axis))) ) time_col = fits.Column( name="TIME", format=f"{len(self.time_axis)}D8.3", array=np.reshape(np.array(self.time_axis), (1, len(self.time_axis))) ) cols = fits.ColDefs([time_col, freq_col]) table = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( cols, header=self.axes_header, name='AXES') table.header['TTYPE1'] = ( table.header['TTYPE1'], 'label for field 1') table.header['TFORM1'] = ( table.header['TFORM1'], 'data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE') table.header['TTYPE2'] = ( table.header['TTYPE2'], 'label for field 2') table.header['TFORM2'] = ( table.header['TFORM2'], 'data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE') table.header['TSCAL1'] = 1 table.header['TZERO1'] = 0 table.header['TSCAL2'] = 1 table.header['TZERO2'] = 0 hdulist = data.to_hdu() hdulist.insert(1, table) if self.rfi_freq_axis.size != 0: # Putting information, which frequencies channels were removed into the header freq_col = fits.Column( name="RFI_FREQUENCY", format=f"{len(self.rfi_freq_axis)}D8.3", array=np.reshape(np.array(self.rfi_freq_axis), (1, len(self.rfi_freq_axis))) ) rfi_freq_col = fits.ColDefs([freq_col]) rfi_table = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( rfi_freq_col, header=self.axes_header, name='RFI_FREQ') hdulist.insert(2, rfi_table) if not os.path.exists(filepath): hdulist.writeto(filepath) return filepath else: i = 0 split = filepath.split('.') new_filepath = split[0] + f' ({i})' + \ f'{"." if len(split[1:]) > 0 else ""}' + '.'.join(split[1:]) while os.path.exists(new_filepath): i += 1 new_filepath = split[0] + f' ({i})' + \ f'{"." if len(split[1:]) > 0 else ""}' + \ '.'.join(split[1:]) hdulist.writeto(new_filepath) return new_filepath
[docs] def get_header(self): """ Returns the updated header. """ header = self.header.copy() if self.swapped: header['NAXIS2'] = self.shape[1] # pylint: disable=E1101 header['NAXIS1'] = self.shape[0] # pylint: disable=E1101 else: header['NAXIS1'] = self.shape[1] # pylint: disable=E1101 header['NAXIS2'] = self.shape[0] # pylint: disable=E1101 return header
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename: str, **kwargs): """ Reads in FITS file and return a new CallistoSpectrogram. Any unknown (i.e. any except filename) keyword arguments get passed to :param str filename: path of the file to read. """ fl =, **kwargs) data =[0].data, dtype=cls.ARRAY_TYPE, mask=np.full(fl[0].data.shape, False)) data.mask[np.where(np.isnan(] = True header = fl[0].header # not every fits file does provide axes in their header file axes = None if len(fl) != 1: axes = fl[1] modified = False # simple patch for TIME-END issue if header['TIME-END'][6:] == '60': header['TIME-END'] = (header['TIME-END'][:6] + '59', header.comments['TIME-END']) modified = True if header['TIME-END'][:2] == '24': header['TIME-END'] = ('00' + header['TIME-END'] [2:], header.comments['TIME-END']) modified = True # since there are fits files where both cases of the '60' and '24' changes occurs, # this makes sure only one time '[modified]' is written in the comments section if modified: header['TIME-END'] = (header['TIME-END'], header.comments['TIME-END'] + ' [modified]') start = _parse_header_time( header['DATE-OBS'], header.get('TIME-OBS', header.get('TIME$_OBS')) ) end = _parse_header_time( header['DATE-END'], header.get('TIME-END', header.get('TIME$_END')) ) swapped = "time" not in header["CTYPE1"].lower() # Swap dimensions so x-axis is always time. if swapped: t_delt = header["CDELT2"] t_init = header["CRVAL2"] - t_delt * header["CRPIX2"] t_label = header["CTYPE2"] f_delt = header["CDELT1"] f_init = header["CRVAL1"] - t_delt * header["CRPIX1"] f_label = header["CTYPE1"] data = data.transpose() else: t_delt = header["CDELT1"] t_init = header["CRVAL1"] - t_delt * header["CRPIX1"] t_label = header["CTYPE1"] f_delt = header["CDELT2"] f_init = header["CRVAL2"] - t_delt * header["CRPIX2"] f_label = header["CTYPE2"] # Table may contain the axes data. If it does, the other way of doing # it might be very wrong. tm = None fq = None if axes is not None: try: # It's not my fault. Neither supports __contains__ nor .get tm =['TIME'] except KeyError: tm = None try: fq =['FREQUENCY'] except KeyError: fq = None if tm is not None: # Fix dimensions (whyever they are (1, x) in the first place) time_axis = np.squeeze(tm) else: # Otherwise, assume it's linear. time_axis = np.linspace( 0, data.shape[1] - 1, num=data.shape[1]) * t_delt # pylint: disable=E1101 if fq is not None: freq_axis = np.squeeze(fq) else: freq_axis = np.linspace( 0, data.shape[0] - 1, num=data.shape[0]) * f_delt + f_init # pylint: disable=E1101 # Remove duplicate entries on the borders left = 1 while freq_axis[left] == freq_axis[0]: left += 1 right = data.shape[0] - 1 while freq_axis[right] == freq_axis[-1]: right -= 1 c_left = left - 1 c_right = right + 2 if c_left > 0:[:c_left, :] = cls.MISSING_VALUE data.mask[:c_left, :] = True if c_right < (len(freq_axis) - 1):[c_right:, :] = cls.MISSING_VALUE data.mask[c_right:, :] = True # mask the zigzag pattern zigzag = [*range(255), *range(255)] for row_index in range(data.shape[0]): if np.array_equal(data[row_index, :len(zigzag)], zigzag):[row_index] = cls.MISSING_VALUE data.mask[row_index] = True content = header["CONTENT"] instruments = {header["INSTRUME"]} axes_header = None if axes: axes_header = axes.header fl.close() return cls( data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end, t_init, t_delt, t_label, f_label, content, instruments, header, axes_header, swapped, filename )
def __init__(self, data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end, t_init=None, t_delt=None, t_label="Time", f_label="Frequency", content="", instruments=None, header=None, axes_header=None, swapped=False, filename=None): # Because of how object creation works, there is no avoiding # unused arguments in this case. # pylint: disable=W0613 if not isinstance(data, data =, dtype=self.ARRAY_TYPE, mask=False) super(CallistoSpectrogram, self).__init__( data, time_axis, freq_axis, start, end, t_init, t_delt, t_label, f_label, content, instruments ) self.header = header self.axes_header = axes_header self.swapped = swapped if filename: head, tail = ntpath.split(filename) self.filename = tail or ntpath.basename(head) else: self.filename = None
[docs] @classmethod def is_datasource_for(cls, header): """ Check if class supports data from the given FITS file. :param header: `` main header of the FITS file """ return header.get('instrume', '').strip() in cls.INSTRUMENTS
[docs] def remove_border(self): """ Remove duplicate entries on the borders. """ left = 0 while self.freq_axis[left] == self.freq_axis[0]: left += 1 right = self.shape[0] - 1 while self.freq_axis[right] == self.freq_axis[-1]: right -= 1 return self[left - 1:right + 2, :]
[docs] @classmethod def read_many(cls, filenames, sort_by=None): """ Returns a list of CallistoSpectrogram objects read from filenames. :param list of str filenames: list of paths to read from. :param str sort_by: optional attribute of the resulting objects to sort from, e.g. start to sort by starting time. """ objs = list(map(, filenames)) if sort_by is not None: objs.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, sort_by)) return objs
[docs] @classmethod def from_range(cls, instrument, start, end): """ Automatically download data from instrument between start and end and join it together. :param str instrument: instrument to retrieve the data from. :param `~sunpy.time.parse_time` start: compatible start of the measurement. :param `~sunpy.time.parse_time` end: compatible end of the measurement. """ if SUNPY_LT_1: start = parse_time(start) end = parse_time(end) else: start = parse_time(start).datetime end = parse_time(end).datetime urls = query(start, end, [instrument]) data = list(map(cls.from_url, urls)) freq_buckets = defaultdict(list) for elem in data: freq_buckets[tuple(elem.freq_axis)].append(elem) try: return cls.combine_frequencies( [cls.new_join_many(elem) for elem in freq_buckets.values()] ) except ValueError: raise ValueError("No data found.")
def _overlap(self, other): """ Find frequency and time overlap of two spectrograms. """ one, two = self.intersect_time([self, other]) ovl = one.freq_overlap(two) return one.clip_freq(*ovl), two.clip_freq(*ovl) @staticmethod def _to_minimize(a, b): """ Function to be minimized for matching to frequency channels. """ def _fun(p): if p[0] <= 0.2 or abs(p[1]) >= a.max(): return float("inf") return a - (p[0] * b + p[1]) return _fun def _homogenize_params(self, other, maxdiff=1): """ Return triple with a tuple of indices (in self and other, respectively), factors and constants at these frequencies. :param `radiospectra.CallistoSpectrogram` other: Spectrogram to be homogenized with the current one. :param float maxdiff: Threshold for which frequencies are considered equal. """ pairs_indices = [ (x, y) for x, y, d in minimal_pairs(self.freq_axis, other.freq_axis) if d <= maxdiff ] pairs_data = [ (self[n_one, :], other[n_two, :]) for n_one, n_two in pairs_indices ] # XXX: Maybe unnecessary. pairs_data_gaussian = [ (gaussian_filter1d(a, 15), gaussian_filter1d(b, 15)) for a, b in pairs_data ] # If we used integer arithmetic, we would accept more invalid # values. pairs_data_gaussian64 = np.float64(pairs_data_gaussian) least = [ leastsq(self._to_minimize(a, b), [1, 0])[0] for a, b in pairs_data_gaussian64 ] factors = [x for x, y in least] constants = [y for x, y in least] return pairs_indices, factors, constants
[docs] def homogenize(self, other, maxdiff=1): """ Return overlapping part of self and other as (self, other) tuple. Homogenize intensities so that the images can be used with combine_frequencies. Note that this works best when most of the picture is signal, so use :meth:`in_interval` to select the subset of your image before applying this method. :param `radiospectra.CallistoSpectrogram` other: Spectrogram to be homogenized with the current one. :param float maxdiff: Threshold for which frequencies are considered equal. """ one, two = self._overlap(other) pairs_indices, factors, constants = one._homogenize_params( two, maxdiff ) # XXX: Maybe (xd.freq_axis[x] + yd.freq_axis[y]) / 2. pairs_freqs = [one.freq_axis[x] for x, y in pairs_indices] # XXX: Extrapolation does not work this way. # XXX: Improve. f1 = np.polyfit(pairs_freqs, factors, 3) f2 = np.polyfit(pairs_freqs, constants, 3) return (one, two * np.polyval(f1, two.freq_axis)[:, np.newaxis] + np.polyval(f2, two.freq_axis)[:, np.newaxis])
[docs] def extend(self, minutes=15, **kwargs): """ Requests subsequent files from the server. If minutes is negative, retrieve preceding files. """ if len(self.instruments) != 1: raise ValueError instrument = next(iter(self.instruments)) if minutes > 0: data = CallistoSpectrogram.load_from_range( instrument, self.end, self.end + datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes) ) elif minutes < 0: data = CallistoSpectrogram.load_from_range( instrument, self.start - datetime.timedelta(minutes=-minutes), self.start ) else: return self filtered_data = list() for current_data in data: if current_data.header["PWM_VAL"] == self.header["PWM_VAL"]: filtered_data.append(current_data) return CallistoSpectrogram.new_join_many([self] + filtered_data, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url): """ Returns CallistoSpectrogram read from URL. :param str url: URL to retrieve the data from :returns: newSpectrogram `radiospectra.CallistoSpectrogram` """ return
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_range(cls, instrument, start, end, **kwargs): """ Automatically download data from instrument between start and end. :param str instrument: instrument to retrieve the data from. :param `~sunpy.time.parse_time` start: compatible start of the measurement. :param `~sunpy.time.parse_time` end: compatible end of the measurement. """ kw = { 'maxgap': None, 'fill': cls.JOIN_REPEAT, } kw.update(kwargs) if SUNPY_LT_1: start = parse_time(start) end = parse_time(end) else: start = parse_time(start).datetime end = parse_time(end).datetime urls = query(start, end, [instrument]) specs = list(map(cls.from_url, urls)) return specs
[docs] @classmethod def new_join_many(cls, specs , polarisations=False): """ Produce new Spectrogram that contains spectrograms joined together in time and frequency. :param list specs: List of CallistoSpectrogram's to join together in time. :param bool: TODO """ # checks if not specs: raise ValueError("Need at least one spectrogram.") if len(specs) == 1: return specs[0] # sorts specs specs = sorted(specs, key=lambda x: x.start) # initiates combine_polarisations or gives separated spectrograms back if polarisations: sorting_dict = cls.detect_and_combine_polarisations(specs) else: pwm_val_list = set( map(lambda x: "{}_{}".format(x.header['PWM_VAL'], x.filename.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]), specs)) sorting_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x, []), pwm_val_list)) for spec in specs: sorting_dict["{}_{}".format(spec.header['PWM_VAL'], spec.filename.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1])].append( spec) map(lambda x: x.start, list(sorting_dict.values())) if len(specs) == 1: return specs[0] joined_spec_list = [] for PWM, sorted_specs in sorting_dict.items(): if not isinstance(sorted_specs[0], CallistoSpectrogram): raise ValueError("Can only combine CallistoSpectrogram's.") instr = sorted_specs[0].header['INSTRUME'] delta = sorted_specs[0].header['CDELT1'] first_time_point = sorted_specs[0].start + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=sorted_specs[0].time_axis[0]) last_time_point = sorted_specs[0].start + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=sorted_specs[0].time_axis[-1]) for spec in sorted_specs[1:]: if not isinstance(spec, CallistoSpectrogram): raise ValueError("Can only combine CallistoSpectrogram's.") if spec.header['INSTRUME'] != instr: raise ValueError( "Can only combine spectrogram's from the same instrument.") if spec.header['CDELT1'] != delta: raise ValueError( "Can only combine spectrogram's with the same time delta (CDELT1).") cur_start = spec.start + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=spec.time_axis[0]) cur_end = spec.start + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=spec.time_axis[-1]) if cur_start < first_time_point: first_time_point = cur_start if cur_end > last_time_point: last_time_point = cur_end new_header = sorted_specs[0].get_header() new_axes_header = sorted_specs[0].axes_header borderless_specs = [sp.mark_border() for sp in sorted_specs] new_freq_axis = np.array( sorted(_union(set(sp.freq_axis) for sp in borderless_specs), key=lambda y: -y)) new_time_axis = np.arange( 0, (last_time_point - first_time_point).total_seconds() + 0.00001, delta) for spec in sorted_specs: curr_start = spec.start + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=spec.time_axis[0]) diff = (curr_start - first_time_point).total_seconds() diff_index = int(diff / delta) new_time_axis[diff_index:diff_index + spec.time_axis.shape[0]] = (spec.time_axis + diff) nan_arr = np.empty((len(new_freq_axis), len( new_time_axis)), dtype=cls.ARRAY_TYPE) nan_arr[:] = cls.MISSING_VALUE new_data =, mask=True) # fill new data array for sp in borderless_specs: if np.array_equal(new_freq_axis, sp.freq_axis): c_start_time = ( (sp.start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=sp.time_axis[0])) - first_time_point).total_seconds() temp_pos_time = np.where(new_time_axis == c_start_time) if len(temp_pos_time[0]) == 1: new_pos_time = temp_pos_time[0][0] new_data[:, new_pos_time:new_pos_time + sp.shape[1]] =[:, :] new_data.mask[:, new_pos_time:new_pos_time + sp.shape[1]] =[:, :] else: for pos_freq in range(sp.shape[0]): c_freq = sp.freq_axis[pos_freq] new_pos_freq = np.where(new_freq_axis == c_freq)[0][0] c_start_time = ((sp.start + datetime.timedelta( seconds=sp.time_axis[0])) - first_time_point).total_seconds() temp_pos_time = np.where(new_time_axis == c_start_time) if len(temp_pos_time[0]) == 1: new_pos_time = temp_pos_time[0][0] new_data[new_pos_freq, new_pos_time:new_pos_time + sp.shape[1]] =[pos_freq, :] new_data.mask[new_pos_freq, new_pos_time:new_pos_time + sp.shape[1]] =[ pos_freq, :] ftp_time = first_time_point.time() second_of_day = ftp_time.hour * 3600 + ftp_time.minute * 60 + ftp_time.second params = { 'time_axis': new_time_axis, 'freq_axis': new_freq_axis, 'start': first_time_point, 'end': last_time_point, 't_delt': delta, 't_init': second_of_day, 't_label': sorted_specs[0].t_label, 'f_label': sorted_specs[0].f_label, 'content': sorted_specs[0].content, 'instruments': _union(spec.instruments for spec in sorted_specs), 'filename': f'JOINED_{sorted_specs[0].filename}' } new_header['DATE-OBS'] = min([x.get_header()['DATE-OBS'] for x in sorted_specs]) new_header['TIME-OBS'] = min([x.get_header()['TIME-OBS'] for x in sorted_specs]) new_header['DATE-END'] = max([x.get_header()['DATE-END'] for x in sorted_specs]) new_header['TIME-END'] = max([x.get_header()['TIME-END'] for x in sorted_specs]) new_header['DATAMIN'] = min( [x.get_header()['DATAMIN'] for x in sorted_specs]) new_header['DATAMAX'] = max( [x.get_header()['DATAMAX'] for x in sorted_specs]) new_header['CRVAL1'] = second_of_day new_header['CRVAL2'] = len(new_freq_axis) new_axes_header['NAXIS1'] = int( new_axes_header['BITPIX']) * (len(new_time_axis) + len(new_freq_axis)) new_axes_header['TFORM1'] = str(len(new_time_axis)) + "D8.3" new_axes_header['TFORM2'] = str(len(new_freq_axis)) + "D8.3" joined_spec = CallistoSpectrogram( new_data, header=new_header, axes_header=new_axes_header, **params) joined_spec.adjust_header() joined_spec_list.append(joined_spec) if len(joined_spec_list) == 1: return joined_spec_list[0] else: return joined_spec_list
[docs] @classmethod def detect_and_combine_polarisations(cls, specs): """Takes a list of spectrogram and evaluates and processes all polarisations. :param specs: A list of spectrograms. :returns: A dictionary of all spectrograms sorted by there PWM_VAL and lists for all combined polarisations. """ pwm_val_list = set(map(lambda x: x.header['PWM_VAL'], specs)) sorted_work_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x, []), pwm_val_list)) pwm_val_list = set( map(lambda x: "{}_{}".format(x.header['PWM_VAL'], x.filename.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]), specs)) sorting_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x, []), pwm_val_list)) pol_val_list = set(map(lambda x: "{}_{}".format( x.header['PWM_VAL'], "Pol"), specs)) sorting_dict.update(map(lambda x: (x, []), pol_val_list)) for spec in specs: sorting_dict["{}_{}".format(spec.header['PWM_VAL'], spec.filename.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1])].append( spec) sorted_work_dict[spec.header['PWM_VAL']].append(spec) map(lambda x: x.start, list(sorting_dict.values())) for PWM, specs_list in sorted_work_dict.items(): for index, spec1 in enumerate(specs_list[:-1]): spec2 = specs_list[index + 1] delta1 = float(spec1.header['CDELT1']) delta2 = float(spec1.header['CDELT1']) if abs(delta1 - delta2) > 0.000001: continue if spec1.header['INSTRUME'] != spec2.header['INSTRUME']: continue if spec1.shape != spec2.shape: continue if abs((spec1.start - spec2.start).total_seconds()) > delta1: continue if not np.array_equal(spec1.freq_axis, spec2.freq_axis): continue if not np.array_equal(spec1.time_axis, spec2.time_axis): continue merged_spec = CallistoSpectrogram.combine_polarisation( specs[index], specs[index + 1]) sorting_dict["{}_{}".format( merged_spec.header['PWM_VAL'], "Pol")].append(merged_spec) del_list = [] for PWM, specs_list in sorting_dict.items(): if not specs_list: del_list.append(PWM) for val in del_list: del sorting_dict[val] return sorting_dict
[docs] @classmethod def combine_polarisation(cls, spec1, spec2): """ Compares and combines two spectrograms that are polarisations of the same event :param spec1: CallistoSpectrogram, The first polarized spectrogram. :param spec2: CallistoSpectrogram, The second polarized spectrogram. """ def pythagoras_combine(a, b): return (a ** 2 + b ** 2) ** 0.5 # checks delta1 = float(spec1.header['CDELT1']) delta2 = float(spec1.header['CDELT1']) if abs(delta1 - delta2) > 0.000001: raise ValueError('CDELT1 of spectrograms are not the same') if spec1.header['INSTRUME'] != spec2.header['INSTRUME']: raise ValueError('Instruments of spectrograms are not the same') if spec1.shape != spec2.shape: raise ValueError('Shapes of spectrograms not the same') if abs((spec1.start - spec2.start).total_seconds()) > delta1: raise ValueError( 'Start times of spectrograms are too far from each other') if not np.array_equal(spec1.freq_axis, spec2.freq_axis): raise ValueError('Frequency axes of spectrograms are not the same') if not np.array_equal(spec1.time_axis, spec2.time_axis): raise ValueError('Time axes of spectrograms are not the same') merge_funk = np.vectorize( pythagoras_combine, excluded=[cls.MISSING_VALUE]) merged_matrix = merge_funk(, x = np.logical_or(, merged_matrix =, mask=x) merged_spec = spec1._with_data(merged_matrix) merged_spec.header["DATAMIN"] = merged_matrix.min() merged_spec.header["DATAMAX"] = merged_matrix.max() return merged_spec
[docs] def remove_single_freq_rfi(self, threshold=17, row_window_height=3): """ Detects rfi in single frequencies and masks the data :param Num threshold: Minimal Intensity difference between the row and the mean of the surrounding rows to be flagged as rfi. :param int row_window_height: The amount of rows before and after should be considered for the surrounding rows. """ rfi_mask = np.full(self.shape, False) for row_index in range(self.shape[0]): aff_row =[row_index] rows_before =[max( row_index - row_window_height, 0):row_index] rows_after =[row_index + 1:min(row_index + 1 + row_window_height, self.shape[0])] window_rows = np.concatenate([rows_before, rows_after], axis=0) window_mean = np.mean(window_rows, axis=0) diff = abs(aff_row - window_mean) rfi_mask[row_index, np.where(diff >= threshold)] = True new_data = new_data.mask[np.where(rfi_mask)] = True[np.where(rfi_mask)] = self.MISSING_VALUE return self._with_data(new_data)
[docs] def mark_border(self): """ Mark duplicate entries on the borders. """ left = 1 while self.freq_axis[left] == self.freq_axis[0]: left += 1 right =[0] - 1 while self.freq_axis[right] == self.freq_axis[-1]: right -= 1 c_left = left - 1 c_right = right + 2 if c_left > 0:[:c_left, :] = self.MISSING_VALUE[:c_left, :] = True if c_right < (len(self.freq_axis) - 1):[c_right:, :] = self.MISSING_VALUE[c_right:, :] = True return self
[docs] def adjust_header(self, date_obs=None, time_obs=None, date_end=None, time_end=None): # data header new_header = self.get_header() if date_obs is not None: new_header['DATE-OBS'] = date_obs if time_obs is not None: new_header['TIME-OBS'] = time_obs if date_end is not None: new_header['DATE-END'] = date_end if time_end is not None: new_header['TIME-END'] = time_end data_min = np.amin( data_max = np.amax( new_header['DATAMIN'] = int(data_min) if not np.isnan(data_min) else 0 new_header['DATAMAX'] = int(data_max) if not np.isnan(data_max) else 0 self.header = new_header # axes header new_axes_header = self.axes_header new_axes_header['NAXIS1'] = int( new_axes_header['BITPIX']) * (len(self.time_axis) + len(self.freq_axis)) new_axes_header['TFORM1'] = str(len(self.time_axis)) + "D8.3" new_axes_header['TFORM2'] = str(len(self.freq_axis)) + "D8.3" self.axes_header = new_axes_header
CallistoSpectrogram._create.add( run_cls('from_range'), lambda cls, instrument, start, end: True, check=False ) try: CallistoSpectrogram.create.__func__.__doc__ = ( """ Create CallistoSpectrogram from given input dispatching to the appropriate from_* function. Possible signatures: """ + CallistoSpectrogram._create.generate_docs()) except AttributeError: CallistoSpectrogram.create.__func__.__doc__ = ( """ Create CallistoSpectrogram from given input dispatching to the appropriate from_* function. Possible signatures: """ + CallistoSpectrogram._create.generate_docs())