
IRISreader can be configured over irisreader.config, an instance of the irisreader.config_template class. Below is the documentation of the different available options.

The current settings can be printed out with:

>>> import irisreader as ir
>>> print( ir.config )
IRISreader configuration:
default_mirror: lmsal
max_open_files: 256
mirrors: {'lmsal': '', 'uio': '', 'fhnw': ''}
use_memmap: False
verbosity_level: 1

And options can be set via:

>>> ir.config.option = value


class irisreader.config_template[source]

Configuration template for the irisreader module of which an instance is created at irisreader.config.

To see what options are currently set, run print(irisreader.config). Options can be set with ir.config.OPTION = value. For help about the different configuration options run help(irisreader.config).

To learn more about a certain option, read the online documentation of irisreader or the docstrings in the source code.

  • verbosity_level (int) –

    Sets verbosity level of IRISreader: 0: batch mode (no printed output) 1: interactive mode (printed output that informs the interactive user) 2: developer mode (printed output that gives more diagnostics that are only useful for the developer) 3: unfiltered mode (print all possible outputs, should only be used for specific debugging)

    Default: 1

  • use_memmap (bool) –

    Sets memory mapping mode: It currently seems that many computations are sometimes a factor of 1000 faster when the file’s data are loaded into memory. The largest data cube has a size of ~2 GB (total raster file size 14 GB), which should not be a problem if only one data cube is loaded at the same time. Using memmap for interactive mode might be better because of the lower response times (loading data into memory)

    True: use memory mapping

    False: load data into memory (default)

  • max_open_files (int) –

    Sets maximum number of open files: Some rasters have > 6000 files and irisreader may reach the open files limit of the host system when opening all at once. For this reason, the file_hub class abstracts file access and allows to limit the number of open files.

    Default: 256

  • mirrors (list) – Available data mirrors for downloading observations.

  • default_mirror (str) – Default mirror to use from ir.config.mirrors

  • goes_base_url (str) – Base URL for GOES data (as used in GOES coalignment)

  • hek_base_url (str) – Base URL for HEK data