Source code for irisreader.coalignment.hek_data

import requests
import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from datetime import timedelta
import irisreader as ir
from import to_Tformat, from_Tformat

[docs]class hek_data: """ This class represents an interface to the Heliophysics Events Knowledge database (HEK). It loads all HEK active regions and flares that were recorded during an IRIS observation and makes them available as a pandas data frame. Parameters ---------- caller : iris_data_cube observation object that called the hek_data object. This is required to give hek_data the ability to access the observation's XCENIX/YCENIX positions at different times in a lazy way. instrument : str which instrument to query - defaults to GOES which might be most practical lazy_eval : boolean Whether or not data should only be loaded upon first read access. Attributes ---------- start_date : datetime.datetime Start date/time of the HEK events time window end_date : datetime.datetime End date/time of the HEK events time window instrument : str Queried instrument data: Pandas data frame with HEK events. """ def __init__( self, caller, instrument="GOES", lazy_eval=False ): self._caller = caller # not every observation has rasters if caller.n_raster > 0: self._caller_cube = caller.raster[0] else: self._caller_cube = caller.sji[0] self.start_date = from_Tformat( self._caller_cube.start_date ) self.end_date = from_Tformat( self._caller_cube.end_date ) self.instrument = instrument = None if not lazy_eval: self._load() def _load( self ): """ Download HEK data and add IRIS position information. """ # download data from lmsal API = download_hek_data( self.start_date, self.end_date, self.instrument ) # add iris position information if len( ) > 0: iris_x = [] iris_y = [] for t in x, y = self.get_iris_coordinates( from_Tformat( t ) ) iris_x.append( x ) iris_y.append( y )['iris_xcenix'] = iris_x['iris_ycenix'] = iris_y # add euclidean distances to IRIS FOV center['dist_arcsec'] = np.sqrt( (**2 + (**2 ) by="dist_arcsec", inplace=True ) # make sure that is lazy loaded def __getattribute__( self, name ): if name=="data" and object.__getattribute__( self, "data" ) is None: self._load() return object.__getattribute__( self, "data" ) else: return object.__getattribute__( self, name ) # return a short summary of the object def __repr__( self ): repr_str = "GOES event query interface (through HEK)\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n" repr_str += "data source: {}\n".format( ir.config.hek_base_url ) repr_str += "time window: {} - {}\n".format( self.start_date, self.end_date ) repr_str += "\ncaller: {}\n".format( self._caller.full_obsid ) repr_str += "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" repr_str += "data: event data\n" repr_str += "get_flares(): get flare data\n" repr_str += "plot_flares(): plot flare data with respect to IRIS FOV\n" repr_str += "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" return repr_str
[docs] def get_flares( self, classes="", in_FOV=False, FOV_margin=100 ): """ Returns a data frame with all flare events in the time window. Parameters ---------- classes : str what flare event classes to return: "": all classes, "C": only C-class, "M": only M-class, "X": only X-class, "MX": both M- and X-class, etc. in_FOV : bool whether to return only flares that occured in the field of view (FOV) FOV_margin : int search margin in arcsec in addition to field of view (flares can have diameters of ~100 arcsec) """ fields = ['fl_goescls', 'event_starttime', 'event_endtime', 'event_peaktime', 'hpc_radius', 'hpc_x', 'hpc_y', 'iris_xcenix', 'iris_ycenix', 'dist_arcsec'] if len( ) > 0: raw_flare_data =[ == 'FL'][fields] # filter out certain flare classes flare_data = pd.DataFrame( columns=raw_flare_data.columns ) if classes == "": flare_data = raw_flare_data.copy() for cls in classes: flare_data = flare_data.append( raw_flare_data[raw_flare_data.fl_goescls.str.contains( cls )], ignore_index=True ) # filter out only flares in FOV within margin if desired if in_FOV: flare_data = flare_data[ self.in_fov( margin=FOV_margin) ] # make sure that data are still sorted by distance flare_data.sort_values( by="dist_arcsec", inplace=True ) return flare_data else: return pd.DataFrame( columns=fields )
[docs] def plot_flares( self, classes="", in_FOV=False, FOV_margin=100, show=True, savefile=None ): """ Plots all flare events with respect to the field of view. Parameters ---------- classes : str what flare event classes to return: "": all classes, "C": only C-class, "M": only M-class, "X": only X-class, "MX": both M- and X-class, etc. in_FOV : bool whether to return only flares that occured in the field of view (FOV) margin : int search margin in arcsec in addition to field of view (flares can have diameters of ~100 arcsec) show : bool whether to show plot (for saving only) savefile : str where to save plot if savefile is not None """ # plot IRIS FOV fovx = self._caller_cube.primary_headers['FOVX'] fovy = self._caller_cube.primary_headers['FOVY'] left_x = -fovx/2 right_x = fovx/2 upper_y = fovy/2 lower_y = -fovy/2 plt.plot( [left_x, right_x], [upper_y, upper_y], c="black" ) plt.plot( [left_x, right_x], [lower_y, lower_y], c="black" ) plt.plot( [left_x, left_x], [lower_y, upper_y], c="black" ) plt.plot( [right_x, right_x], [lower_y, upper_y], c="black" ) # plot margin if not zero plt.plot( [left_x-FOV_margin, right_x+FOV_margin], [upper_y+FOV_margin, upper_y+FOV_margin], c="black", ls="--" ) plt.plot( [left_x-FOV_margin, right_x+FOV_margin], [lower_y-FOV_margin, lower_y-FOV_margin], c="black", ls="--" ) plt.plot( [left_x-FOV_margin, left_x-FOV_margin], [lower_y-FOV_margin, upper_y+FOV_margin], c="black", ls="--" ) plt.plot( [right_x+FOV_margin, right_x+FOV_margin], [lower_y-FOV_margin, upper_y+FOV_margin], c="black", ls="--" ) # plot FOV center plt.scatter( 0, 0, marker="x", s=100, c="black" ) # plot flare events flare_events = self.get_flares( classes, in_FOV, FOV_margin ) for index, event in flare_events.iterrows(): plt.scatter( event['hpc_x'] - event['iris_xcenix'], event['hpc_y'] - event['iris_ycenix'], marker="*", s=100, label="{} {}".format( event['fl_goescls'], event['event_starttime'] ) ) # set labels plt.xlabel("solar x [arcsec]") plt.ylabel("solar y [arcsec]") plt.title("(points outside the FOV are subject to projection errors)") if len( flare_events ) > 0: plt.legend() # save and show if savefile is not None: plt.savefig( savefile ) if show: else: plt.close()
[docs] def in_fov( self, margin=100 ): """ This function returns a list of boolean values for each row in the event data frame, stating for each event whether it occured in the IRIS FOV plus some margin (flares can spread to diameters of up to 100 arcseconds). Parameters ---------- margin : float number of arcseconds to extend the field of view event search space (defaults to 100) Returns ------- in_fov : List of boolean values """ # get iris coordinates for each event # compute distances in x and y direction dist_x = np.abs( - ) dist_y = np.abs( - ) # define thresholds threshold_x = self._caller_cube.primary_headers['FOVX']/2 + margin threshold_y = self._caller_cube.primary_headers['FOVY']/2 + margin # return boolean indicating whether event is within margin return np.logical_and( dist_x <= threshold_x, dist_y <= threshold_y )
[docs] def get_iris_coordinates( self, flare_date ): """ Approximates FOV center coordinates of IRIS at the time of a flare. Parameters ---------- flare_date : datetime.datetime start date and time of the flare Returns ------- iris_xcenix : float XCENIX coordinate of IRIS at the time of the flare iris_ycenix : float YCENIX coordinate of IRIS at the time of the flare """ n = int( np.round( self._caller_cube.n_steps * (flare_date-self.start_date) / (self.end_date-self.start_date) ) ) return [self._caller_cube.time_specific_headers[n]['XCENIX'], self._caller_cube.time_specific_headers[n]['YCENIX']]
def download_hek_data( start_date, end_date, instrument=None ): """ This function downloads all HEK active regions and flares between `start_date` and `end_date`. Parameters ---------- start_date : datetime.datetime Start date/time of the HEK events time window end_date : datetime.datetime End date/time of the HEK events time window instrument : str Use only data from given instrument, will download data from all instruments if set to None, defaults to "GOES" Returns ------- float Pandas data frame with HEK events. """ # set params for json request hek_params = { "cosec": "2", # JSON format "cmd": "search", "type": "column", "event_type": "fl,ar", # Flares and active regions "event_starttime": to_Tformat( start_date-timedelta(hours=2) ), "event_endtime": to_Tformat( end_date+timedelta(hours=2) ), "event_coordsys": "helioprojective", "x1": "-1200", "x2": "1200", "y1": "-1200", "y2": "1200", "result_limit": "500", "page": 1, "return": "hpc_bbox,hpc_coord,event_type,intensmin,obs_meanwavel,intensmax,intensmedian,obs_channelid,ar_noaaclass,frm_name,obs_observatory,hpc_x,hpc_y,kb_archivdate,ar_noaanum,frm_specificid,hpc_radius,event_starttime,event_endtime,event_peaktime,fl_goescls,frm_daterun,fl_peakflux,fl_goescls", "param0": "FRM_NAME", "op0": "=", "value0": "NOAA SWPC Observer,SWPC,SSW Latest Events" } if instrument is not None: hek_params.update( { "param1": "OBS_Observatory", "op1": "=", "value1": "GOES" }) # get HEK events within +/- two hours of the observation time frame hek_events = [] while True: for i in range( 5 ): try: r = requests.get( ir.config.hek_base_url, hek_params ) break except: time.sleep(10) print("Connection to HEK failed, retry {} of 5".format(i)) if not r: raise Exception("Connection error. Please check HEK:") events = r.json()["result"] if len(events) == 0: break hek_events += events hek_params['page'] += 1 # convert results to a data frame and filter out events that stopped before the observation time or started after the observation time df = pd.DataFrame( hek_events ) if len( df ) > 0: df = df[np.logical_and( df.event_starttime < to_Tformat( end_date ), df.event_endtime > to_Tformat( start_date ) )] return df if __name__ == "__main__": from irisreader import observation s = from_Tformat("2014-01-01T21:30:11") e = from_Tformat("2014-01-03T1:30:17") obs = observation( "/home/chuwyler/Desktop/FITS/20140329_140938_3860258481/" ) h = hek_data( instrument="GOES", caller=obs )