Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pkg_resources
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestCentroid
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from irisreader.utils import date

DATA_PATH = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'irisreader', 'data/' )

# default wavelength window
LAMBDA_MIN = 2793.8500976562500
LAMBDA_MAX = 2799.3239974882454

[docs]def get_mg2k_centroids( bins=216 ): """ Returns Mg II k centroids found in the study 'Identifying typical Mg II flare spectra using machine learning', by B. Panos et. al. 2018. The data contains 53 centroids with 216 wavelength bins between LAMBDA_MIN = 2793.8500976562500 and LAMBDA_MAX = 2799.3239974882454. In order to assign an observed spectrum to a centroid, it has to be interpolated, normalized by dividing it through its maximum and then a 1-nearest neighbour method has to be used. Interpolation on a raster_cube instance:: raster_image = raster.get_interpolated_image_step( step = <step>, lambda_min = LAMBDA_MIN, lambda_max = LAMBDA_MAX, n_breaks = 216 ) Normalization:: raster_image /= np.max( raster_image, axis=1 ).reshape(-1,1) Nearest neighbour assignment:: from sklearn.neighbors import NearestCentroid knc = NearestCentroid() X=centroids, y=list( range( centroids.shape[0] ) ) ) assigned_centroids = knc.predict( raster_image ) Parameters ---------- bins : int Number of bins to interpolate to (defaults to 216) Returns ------- mg2k_centroids array with shape (216, 53) """ # load centroids centroids = np.load( DATA_PATH + "/mg2k_centroids.npz" )['centroids'].T # interpolate centroids to other binsize if necessary if bins != 216: f = interp1d( np.linspace( 0, 1, num=centroids.shape[1] ), centroids ) x_new = np.linspace( 0, 1, num=bins ) centroids = f( x_new ) # make sure centroids are properly divided by their maximum centroids = normalize( centroids ) return centroids
[docs]def assign_mg2k_centroids( X, centroids=None ): """ Assigns Mg II k centroids found in the study 'Identifying typical Mg II flare spectra using machine learning', by B. Panos et. al. 2018 to the Mg II k spectra supplied in X. The centroids are assigned using a nearest neighbour procedure. The spectra in X have to be interpolated to 216 wavelength bins between LAMBDA_MIN = 2793.8500976562500 and LAMBDA_MAX = 2799.3239974882454. For example:: X = raster.get_interpolated_image_step( step = <step>, lambda_min = LAMBDA_MIN, lambda_max = LAMBDA_MAX, n_breaks = 216 ) Parameters ---------- X : numpy.array interpolated raster image of shape (_,bins) centroids : numpy.array If None, the centroids defined in the above study will be used, otherwise an array of shape (n_centroids, n_bins) should be passed. Important: both the spectra in 'X' and in 'centroids' should be constrained to the same wavelength region! Returns ------- assigned_mg2k_centroids numpy vector with shape (X.shape[1],) """ # load default centroids if no centroids are passed if centroids is None: centroids = get_mg2k_centroids( bins=X.shape[1] ) # create list of numbered centroid ids centroid_ids = list( range( centroids.shape[0] ) ) # check whether X comes in the correct dimensions if not X.shape[1] == centroids.shape[1]: raise Exception( "Expecting X to have shape (_,{}). Please interpolate accordingly (More information with 'help(assign_mg2k_centroids)').".format( centroids.shape[1] ) ) # create nearest centroid finder instance and fit it knc = NearestCentroid() X=centroids, y=centroid_ids ) # predict nearest centroids for the supplied spectra # (making sure that X is normalized) assigned_mg2k_centroids = knc.predict( normalize(X) ) # return vector of assigned centroids return assigned_mg2k_centroids
[docs]def normalize( X ): """ Divides each row of X by its maximum to make sure that the maximum value per row is 1. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.array raster image to normalize """ return X / np.max( X, axis=1 ).reshape(-1,1)
[docs]def interpolate( raster, step, bins=216, lambda_min=LAMBDA_MIN, lambda_max=LAMBDA_MAX ): """ Returns an interpolated image step from the raster. Parameters ---------- raster : irisreader.raster_cube raster_cube instance step : int image step in the raster bins : int number of bins to interpolate to (defaults to 216) lambda_min : float wavelength value where interpolation should start lambda_max : float wavelength value where interpolation should stop Returns ------- assigned_mg2k_centroids numpy vector with shape (X.shape[1],) """ # make sure we are dealing with a Mg II - raster if not "Mg II k" in raster.line_info: raise ValueError("This is not a Mg II k raster!") return raster.get_interpolated_image_step( step = step, lambda_min = lambda_min, lambda_max = lambda_max, n_breaks = bins )
[docs]def get_mg2k_centroid_table( obs, centroids=None, lambda_min=LAMBDA_MIN, lambda_max=LAMBDA_MAX, crop_raster=False ): """ Returns a data frame with centroid counts for each raster image of a given observation. Parameters ---------- obs_path : str Path to observation centroids : numpy.array if None, the centroids defined in the above study will be used, otherwise an array of shape (n_centroids, n_bins) should be passed lambda_min : float wavelength value where interpolation should start lambda_max : float wavelength value where interpolation should stop crop_raster : bool Whether to crop raster before assigning centroids. If set to False, spectra which are -200 everywhere will be assigned to centroid 51 and spectra that are for some part -200 will be assigned to the nearest centroid. Returns ------- centroids_df : pd.DataFrame Data frame with image ids and assigned centroids assigned_centroids : list List with array of assigned centroids for every raster image """ # open raster and crop it if desired if not obs.raster.has_line("Mg II k"): raise Exception("This observation contains no Mg II k line") raster = obs.raster("Mg II k") if crop_raster: raster.crop() # infer number of centroids and number of bins if centroids is None: n_centroids = 53 bins = 216 else: n_centroids = centroids.shape[0] bins = centroids.shape[1] # get goes flux try: goes_flux = raster.get_goes_flux() except Exception as e: print("Could not get GOES flux - setting to None") goes_flux = [None] * raster.n_steps # empty list for assigned centroids assigned_centroids = [] # empty data frame for centroid counts df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["full_obsid", "date", "image_no", "goes_flux", "centroid", "count"] ) # assign centroids for each image and create aggregated data frame for step in range( raster.n_steps ): # fetch assigned centroids img = interpolate( raster, step, bins=bins, lambda_min=lambda_min, lambda_max=lambda_max ) img_assigned_centroids = assign_mg2k_centroids( img, centroids=centroids ) assigned_centroids.append( img_assigned_centroids ) # count centroids recovered_centroids, counts = np.unique( img_assigned_centroids, return_counts=True ) # append to data frame df = df.append( pd.DataFrame( {'full_obsid': obs.full_obsid, 'date': date.from_Tformat( raster.headers[step]['DATE_OBS'] ), 'image_no': step, 'goes_flux': goes_flux[step], 'centroid': recovered_centroids, 'count': counts } ), sort = False ) # create pivot table df = df.pivot_table(index=['full_obsid', 'date', 'image_no', 'goes_flux'], columns='centroid', values='count', aggfunc='first', fill_value=0 ) df.reset_index( inplace=True ) # make sure all centroids are represented for i in range( n_centroids ): if i not in df: df[i] = 0 # make sure columns are sorted df = df.reindex( ["full_obsid", "date", "image_no", "goes_flux"] + [i for i in range(n_centroids)], axis=1 ) = '' # rename number columns into string columns cols = df.columns.values cols[4:] = ["c" + str(col) for col in df.columns[4:]] df.columns = cols # close observation obs.close() # return data frame return df, assigned_centroids
# MOVE TO TEST if __name__ == "__main__": #from import sample_raster #raster = sample_raster() #compare_plot( raster, 2, 10 ) from irisreader import observation obs_path = '/home/chuwyler/Desktop/FITS/20140128_073021_3860259280/' d, c = get_mg2k_centroid_table( observation( obs_path ) ) new_centroids = get_mg2k_centroids()[:10,:] d, c = get_mg2k_centroid_table( observation( obs_path ), centroids=new_centroids )