Source code for irisreader.obs_iterator

#!/usr/bin/env python

# import libraries
import os, re
from irisreader import observation

[docs]class obs_iterator: """This class implements a generator class to iterate over a set of observations that is given as a path. In case of a reading error, the iterator automatically jumps to the next valid observation. As this iterator is not a regular list, it can only be iterated once. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to the directory holding all the observations. This function assumes IRIS data structure where observations are stored in directories with the format <DATE>_<TIME>_<OBSID>. keep_null : boolean Controls whether images that are NULL (-200) everywhere are removed from the data cube. keep_null=True keeps NULL images and keep_null=False removes them. read_v4 : boolean Whether to read observations with an OBSID starting with 4 (obs table generation v4, mostly for tests and maintenance, see ITN 31). display_errors : boolean Whether to show errors that occured in opening individual observations or just to ignore them error_log: str Path to logfile for errors (will be appended, clear the file if necessary) Attributes ---------- path : string Path that has been passed as a parameter. directories : string List of valid IRIS data directories that have been found during the traversal. """ # constructor def __init__( self, path="", keep_null=False, read_v4=False, display_errors=True, error_log=None ): # set variables self._keep_null = keep_null self.path = path self.directories = [] self._n = 0 self._i = 0 self._current_obs = None self._display_errors = display_errors self._error_log = error_log # check whether path to logfile is writeable if error_log is not None: f = open( error_log, 'a+' ) f.close() # get a list of directories containing a date_time_obsid string if path != "": if os.path.exists( path ): print( "Reading directories [this can take a while].. " ), for root, dirs, files in os.walk( path ): for dir in dirs: if'[\d]{6}_[\d]{6}_[\d]{10}', dir): if read_v4 or not '_4' in dir: # exclude obs table generation v4 observations (ITN 31) self.directories.append( os.path.join(root, dir) ) else: raise ValueError( "Path " + path + " does not exist!" ) self.directories.sort() # set number of directories to iterate on self._n = len( self.directories ) print( "done [" + str( self._n ) + " directories]" ) # return length to len function def __len__(self): return self._n # return iteration on demand def __iter__(self): return self # return next observation def __next__(self): self._i += 1 try: # close previous observation if not self._current_obs is None: self._current_obs.close() # open next observation and stop iteration if no observations are left try: self._current_obs = observation( self.directories[self._i-1], keep_null=self._keep_null ) except IndexError: self._i = 0 raise StopIteration return self._current_obs # Continue with the next observation if there was an error in the current one except Exception as e: # pass StopIteration through if e.__class__ == StopIteration: raise StopIteration # display error if desired if self._display_errors: print( '\033[91m' + "Error reading directory " + self.directories[self._i-1] + ": " + str(e) + " Returning the next valid observation." + '\033[0m' ) # write error to log if error_log is set if self._error_log is not None: with open( self._error_log, 'a+' ) as f: f.write( "Error reading directory " + self.directories[self._i-1] + ": " + str(e) + " Returning the next valid observation.\n" ) # return next valid observation return self.__next__()
# MOVE TO TEST if __name__ == "__main__": obsit = obs_iterator( "/home/chuwyler/Desktop/FITS/", error_log="/home/chuwyler/error.log" ) for obs in obsit: print( "------ " + obs.path + " ------" ) obs.sji[0].plot(0) #obs.raster[0].plot(0)