karabo package



karabo.error module

exception KaraboDaskError

Bases: KaraboError

exception KaraboError

Bases: Exception

Base Exception thrown by the Karabo Pipeline

exception KaraboInterferometerSimulationError

Bases: KaraboError

exception KaraboSkyModelError

Bases: KaraboError

exception KaraboSourceDetectionEvaluationError

Bases: KaraboError

exception NodeTermination

Bases: KaraboError

karabo.karabo_resource module

class CaptureSpam(stream: ~typing.TextIO = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)

Bases: object

Captures spam of print to sys.stdout or sys.stderr.

Captures exact-match spam-messages of an external library. It checks each new line (not an entire print-message with

multiple multiple newlines), if it has already been printed once.

Don’t use CaptureSpam if the external library function

provides a way to suppress their output.

Example usage:

``` with CaptureSpam():



flush() None
write(buf: str) None
class HiddenPrints(stdout: bool = True, stderr: bool = True)

Bases: object

Captures sys.stdout and/or sys.stderr to silent output.

class NumpyHandleError(all: Literal['ignore', 'warn', 'raise', 'call', 'print', 'log'] | None = None, divide: Literal['ignore', 'warn', 'raise', 'call', 'print', 'log'] | None = None, over: Literal['ignore', 'warn', 'raise', 'call', 'print', 'log'] | None = None, under: Literal['ignore', 'warn', 'raise', 'call', 'print', 'log'] | None = None, invalid: Literal['ignore', 'warn', 'raise', 'call', 'print', 'log'] | None = None)

Bases: object

Captures numpy-errors.

karabo.simulator_backend module

class SimulatorBackend(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.


karabo.warning module

exception InterferometerSimulationWarning

Bases: KaraboWarning

Warning thrown by the Interferometer Simulation

exception KaraboWarning

Bases: Warning

Base Warning thrown by the Karabo Pipeline

Module contents

This file is executed during build-time and when karabo gets imported. Hence, you ONLY have deps available here which are available during build-time and in karabo. If you don’t know what that means, don’t touch anything here.